R-Studio is a group of capable and practical information recuperation and undelete utilities. Engaged by the new novel information recuperation advances, it is the most far reaching answer for information recuperation from FAT12/16/32, NTFS, NTFS5 (made or overhauled by Windows 2000) and Ext2FS (LINUX record framework) allotments. It works on neighborhood and system plates, regardless of the fact that such parcels are harmed or erased. Adaptable parameter settings give you total control over information recuperation. 


  • Windows Explorer - style interface. 

  • Remote information recuperation over system. 
  • Bolstered record frameworks: FAT12, FAT16, FAT32,NTFS, NTFS5(created or redesigned by Win2000), Ext2FS (Linux). 
  • Harmed RAID reproduction. 
  • Makes IMAGE FILES for a whole DISK, PARTITION or its part. Such picture records can be prepared like normal circles. 
  • Recuperates records on harmed or erased allotments, scrambled documents (NTFS 5), option information streams (NTFS, NTFS 5). 
  • Recuperating information if: FDISK or other circle utilities have been run; VIRUS has attacked; FAT is harmed; MBR is annihilated. 
  • Perceives limited names. 
  • Recuperated records can be saved money on any (counting system) plates open by the host working framework. 
  • Document or circle substance can be seen and altered in the hexadecimal editorial manager. The editorial manager backings NTFS document quality altering. 
       And then some...


Muhammad Arham

I am owner of latestcrackx.blogspot.com and runing this website under the supervision of Raheel Arshad.

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