QQ Player 3.9.917

QQ Media Player programming is a free application that helps you play features, films and music, preview feature as advanced pictures, changing over feature and music, play 3D motion pictures and proselyte the typical 2D motion pictures to 3D motion pictures in a single tick. 


Snap shooting:

QQ Player helps you preview feature as computerized pictures; which you can save money on your PC. There are three sorts of snapshotting or catching feature shots; first is taking a characteristic size photograph of the feature by playing the feature and squeezing the camera symbol (shot) – then a dowager opens before you containing every one of the settings utilized for sparing pictures; you can adjust picture sparing way and characterize picture expansion (PNG, JPG and BMP). 

Part and cutting feature:

The QQ Player application permits you to cut shots of feature and sound records by giving a propelled instrument to part feature. You can decrease a dose of a feature and spare it on your PC with the first feature configuration or spare it as an alternate organization. 

Changing over feature and sound:

The QQ Player helps you change over features, motion pictures and music into numerous configurations. It gives you a device to change over feature while working freely and has a straightforward and simple client interface; you can run the feature converter device without the need to keep the QQ Player running. The QQ player has a rapid in changing over features while giving you numerous choices. 

Compacting feature:

There are a few features and motion pictures of a huge size that should be compacted to diminish their size keeping in mind the end goal to spare some space on your hard circle. There are additionally a considerable measure of clients needing to pack motion pictures to play them on cellular telephones. QQ Player helps you pack feature documents and keep their quality. It gives a successful instrument to packing features. 

Blending features:

QQ Player helps you blend features in a fast. You can blend a substantial number of features in straightforward steps. Our project gives a considerable measure of choices to you to consolidation features, for example, combining diverse configuration features and sparing the feature again in numerous organizations. 

Exchanging feature documents to I cushion & I telephone:

In the event that you have an IPad or IPhone and you need to exchange features and films in a simple and quick way, you can utilize QQ Player to exchange features, motion pictures and subtitles onto your IPad & IPhone gadget by utilizing WIFI innovation without the need to associate your IPad and IPhone to your PC utilizing links. 

Playing 3D films:

The QQ Player system helps you to play 3D films and believer the ordinary 2D motion pictures to 3D motion pictures in a single tick. 3D films are another innovation that started to win with the spread of TV screens and PCs supporting the operation of this dazzling innovation. 

Introducing Subtitles to Movies:

QQ player permits you to introduce and run subtitle records on to motion pictures. It bolsters all subtitle document expansions; which are ASS, SRT and SSA. The procedure of introducing a subtitle record is done in a simple path by naming the subtitle document after the motion picture document name. In the wake of playing the motion picture, the player will naturally open the subtitles record and introduce it to the motion pictur

Muhammad Arham

I am owner of latestcrackx.blogspot.com and runing this website under the supervision of Raheel Arshad.

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